OK so I have been slacking on my blog, or maybe I have just been trying not to bore you to death. So it is a new year and I am turning over a new green leaf.
As you know I am a cloth diapering momma, and have actually drug a couple of my near and dear friends down the road with me. And on this journey I have discovered a whole new world of like minded friends, that are just a crunchy and green as me. And that there are a lot more people out there that are WAY more green than me.
So on that note I have decided that I am going to continue making my own cleaning supplies. I am going to continue to make my own laundry detergents. I am going to continue to buy organic when I can, and local even more. I am going to join a CSA and plant a huge garden to can and freeze my own stuff. I am also going to work on getting on a tight budget, and start chipping away at our debt...and we have a lot but that is another blog post all together. I am also down sizing the amount of stuff we have. I am aiming for a less is more kind of year.
That last one is going to be hard to convince my family to go for but fingers crossed it will work. And we will find our way back to the simple pleasures in life. And simple really is green!
Funny that most of he time "going green" also brings us back to our family's and is cheaper?? hmmm I'm so with you on the STUFF thing. We did a VERY modest Christmas this year, and it was the best Christmas yet!!!! Kids were happy and I don't have a million things laying around. I made my own gift baskets for family, bread, cookies, family photo, heat sacks(homemade),my own pancake mix, and some fresh eggs from my girls! My new year thing is to make all my own soaps, and lotion, I already make all our bread and laundry soap, and buy nooo boxed foods.YAY for being cheap and green!