Ok time for a confession..... ready here it goes....
I am not perfect- shocker I know! I actually am feeling like a total slacker these days. Which is odd because the house is only a little messy- think lived in, with 3 kids. I have been tweaking our diet to include much more organic produce, and I have even gotten into raw milk. But I feel like I am hanging on by a thread.
I have made, eaten and survived 2 lacto- fermented foods....ie sauerkraut, and kombucha. And both were a ton of fun to make and tasted fantastic! With the raw milk I have learned how to make yogurt, and it too is fantastic. Even the kids like it! I have also tackled green smoothies, which I am currently looking for a support group for because I would live on them if I could.... which I think I could. Laundry detergent is green and 100% homemade, and hand soap well I have a gallon so it will last until at least mid-summer. And I figure mid-summer because gardening season will start eventually- so I've heard. But as I look outside I do not really believe this snow will ever go away!
So I have gotten those thing off my life to do list what now? Where do I go from here? This is the problem that I think I have. It is the middle of winter, and I don't know what to do. I can day dream about my garden, and how organic I want it to be. I can also sit with my cup of organic tea and think of the memories of the farmers market. Both of which depress me. I am out of inspiration....how do I green a family when all I see is white....as in snow...lots and lots of snow.
Ok I think I will make a list of things I can do...
1. There are ALWAYS diapers that need to be washed, seeing as cloth diapers are always getting dirty.
2. I can sew some more slings, seeing as I have a craft fair coming up and my Etsy store is kinda sparse.
3. I can get baking.
4. I can figure out how to garden by the square foot, and in raised beds.
5. I will start to plan out how to home school my children next year.
6. I will start to plan on how to become a doula.
Those are good places to start. What are your ideas? Do you have an adventure you are not brave enough to try and would like to see me be the guinea pig for?
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